Know It All! - Garage Door Springs - Torsion Springs

There are three common types of the broken garage door springs. Each type has its mechanism and different characteristics. One of the most common is the torsion spring system. If you have problems with your overhead door repair in Calgary, the garage door spring is typically the main problem. It is advisable to hire a Calgary Garage door repair company if you have broken garage door springs or need garage door spring repair in Calgary. It’s not advisable to mess with your garage door spring as it can be hazardous enough to kill or maim.

garage door springs

Garage Door Springs and Where to Find them?

Usually, garage door torsion springs will be mounted on a horizontal shaft above your garage door. Your Calgary Garage door may have one, two, or more springs. Standard garage door torsion springs are either oil-tempered or galvanized steel.

Unless you live in a particularly corrosive or humid environment, making your garage door hardware prone to rust and environmental damage, odds are your door has oil-tempered springs.

Standard garage door torsion springs have two aluminum alloy cones, one at either end of the steel coils. One of them is the stationary cone. It goes inwards toward the center of the shaft and is affixed to the spring anchor (also known as the center bracket), a frame mounted on the wall above your garage doors. The second cone is the winding cone. As its name suggests, the winding cone is wound or unwound during installation, removal, or adjustment of the torsion spring.

torsion spring system blue print

The Torsion Garage Door Spring System

Winding up garage door torsion springs creates the torque necessary to open and close your garage door. The torque is transferred from the springs to the shaft. Each end of the post goes through the cable drums and side-bearing brackets on either side of the door. The garage door cables are secured to the bottom shelves at either end of the garage door and wrapped around the cable drums. The cables hold the garage door’s weight, counterbalancing it, aided by the tension produced by the torsion springs.

When the garage door is opened, the torque transferred from the springs to the shaft keeps the cables taut on the drums. As the cables wind around the drums, the springs unwind slightly. As the cables lift the door, the rollers hike up the vertical track to the horizontal track above the door. The remaining torque in the garage door torsion springs allows the garage door to remain open.

A garage door with the appropriate springs, wound up the required number of times, should be relatively easy to lift manually. A properly balanced door will remain about three or four feet above the floor when manually opened.

Garage Door Hardware


Garage door springs are rated in ”cycle life”.

A cycle is one opening and closing of your garage door. Most standard torsion springs are built to last 10000 to 15000 cycles. This is why garage door technicians usually recommend replacing both springs when one breaks. As they are usually installed simultaneously and rated for the same cycle life, when one spring breaks, the other will typically follow shortly after.

garage door springs

One Spring, Two Springs, How Many Springs?

The weight of your door is the main determining factor in deciding how many springs are needed. Your typical steel or aluminum single garage door tends to be relatively light, requiring only one spring to counter its weight.

Larger doors usually require two springs.

Some extremely heavy doors, such as large ornate wooden doors, occasionally require three to four springs to provide enough torque.

If you own a small, lightweight garage door, only one spring is technically required to open and close it. However, it is a better practice to install two springs. The reasoning is that a pair of springs evens out the pressure on the center bearing and the spring itself while opening the door. This can extend the lifespan of these critical components of your garage door mechanism.

garage door springs

Spring Measurement Methods

Several methods exist to determine the torsion springs needed for your door.

You may measure your springs if your garage door was previously balanced. If this is not the case, you can use your door model and manufacturer’s specifications. You may weigh your door with an analog scale if you cannot find these.

We never recommend replacing your springs by yourself, as they are under great tension and have the potential to maim you seriously. However, we also believe in providing educational content and, therefore, give you an insight into the process of spring measurement.

When measuring your springs, it is critical to size all necessary components accurately. Wire thickness is measured in ten and twenty coil increments to the nearest quarter inch. Inside diameter and the direction the coil is wound are also essential measurements.

Garage door make, model number, and dimensions are often on the door. They can be embossed or on a sticker.

Why garage door springs break?

The wear and tear that occurs over time is the most common cause of broken garage door springs. Most springs are built to withstand anywhere from 10,000 to 12,000 cycles, with one process consisting of the garage door moving from its open to its closed position. It might sound like a lot, but you must go through at least two daily cycles to get the car out of the garage and back in. The number of times a door is opened and closed daily can pile up much more quickly than you might imagine, especially if you do errands, if your spouse takes the same route to work, or if your children do so for whatever reason. If your garage door serves as your “front door” and is used frequently, it is a good idea to consider purchasing extended-lifetime torsion springs. These springs are designed for 20,000 cycles or more and have a longer lifespan than standard ones.

broken garage door spring

If your door has more than one spring, you or the technician must measure them to ensure they are not mismatched. Mismatching occurs often, and while helpful, it can result from a mistake! Regarding garage door springs, we always recommend reaching out to a professional! Contact us to get your springs replaced today!

Check out these blog posts about garage door springs to learn more.